
Signs You Won’t See at Hobby Lobby

available at https://www.jakeshomeaccents.com/sprinkles-cupcakes-pallet-art/

Quotes from historical books of the Old Testament are rarely embroidered on throw pillows.  Poetry from the Psalms and wise quotes from Proverbs?  Sure.  But when was the last time you saw something from Judges hand-lettered onto a shiplap sign?  Come to think of it, I would pay good money for pallet art with 1 Samuel 17:46 in decorative script:

“This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.” 

Live, laugh, love!  Hobby Lobby, let’s talk.

But here in the United States, with Election Day this week and election fallout for who knows how long, I am so grateful for the historical books of the Old Testament.

Good kings, evil kings, political hijinks, times of military success, times of Israel getting its collective rear kicked to Babylon—it’s all written down for us in the Old Testament.  But what was it all for?  What was the point?

Jesus.  Jesus was the point, and Jesus is always the point.  In times of prosperity and comfort, people tended to forget about Him.  In times of pain and judgement, they remembered God and their need for a Savior.  In God’s mercy, He preserved His people AND preserved the timeline and context for the Savior to be born into a politically messy, sinful world.

I saw an election sign on Instagram that read, “JESUS 2020.”  I approve of this message.  Whoever wins on election night or however long it takes to tally up the ballots, God is still on the throne.  Jesus is still the Lord of lords and the King of kings.  Did it take everything that has happened in 2020 to remind us?  If that’s the case, bring on the murder hornets!  Bring on the noisy debates with overlapping boasts and pesky flies.  Bring on the COVID tests with cotton swabs shoved so far up your nose you think they’re swabbing for gray matter.  Without a doubt, mourn the loss of life and liberty.  Weep for sanity having left the building, but then pick up your embroidery needle and get to work:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9 (an historical book of the Old Testament that was written in exile, by the way)     

Fearlessly and full of hope, we can go into November with confidence. By the amazing grace of God, we can even dance…like no one is watching.